Encyclopedia of Syriac chants

ܐܲܒ݂ܘܼܢ ܕܒ݂ܲܫܡܲܝܵܐ
ആവൂൻ ദ്‌വശ്മയ്യാ
Awūn d’waśmayyā (Our Father in heaven)

Encyclopedia of Syriac Chants - Index

CMSI Ref Number (101-0001)
Title Awūn d’waśmayyā (Our Father in heaven)
Category Lord's Prayer
Text ordinary form, based on Mt 6:9-13, Lk 11:2-4;
solemn form with additional text from Rev 4:8;
Liturgical Context Sacrements and Liturgy of Hours


The Lord’s Prayer in this chant contains probably some of the exact words that Jesus taught his disciples. The chant begins with the greeting of the angels to the shepherds at Christmas night: “And on earth peace and good hope to all people” (Lk 1:14). Following the East Syriac tradition, the prayer is further interpolated four times with text based on the hymn of angels mentioned in Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8 - “holy, holy, holy are you” (qandiś, qandiś, qandiśat). The chant belongs to the category of slōţā (prayer or supplication) and is part of the solemn vespers, known in Malayalam as pātturamśā (literally, ‘sung-ramśā’). The celebrant and the choir alternate the verses, and the deacon concludes the chant with a wish for peace (n’salle ślāmmā amman).

In the Syro Malabar church tradition, immediately after the Nativity Hymn, the Celebrant begins the “Our Father.” The format of the Lord’s Prayer is unique to the Chaldean liturgy. It has two forms: the ordinary form and the solemn form. The solemn form includes the heavenly hymn of the angels, “Holy, holy, Thou art holy” (Is 6:3; Rev 4:8), and the Doxology (“For Thine is the Kingdom …”). The Thrice Holy appears as a trope twice in the first part of the prayer. The simple form (i. e., without the Thrice holy and doxology), is recited during the communion rite. It may be noted that the text of the Lord’s Prayer in the Chaldean rite uses the phrase “deliver us from the evil one” (Mt 6: 13, Jn 17: 15), instead of “deliver us from evil.” Practice Session.

The Thrice holy has a significant place among the prayers and hymns in the Chaldean liturgy. It appears at least six times in the various sections of Qurbānā. According to the vision of Isaiah, and the author of the Book of Revelation, the heavenly liturgy consists of the angels constantly singing “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts!” There are innumerable references throughout the Qurbānā to this heavenly liturgy. Early on, in the solemn form of the Lord’s Prayer, angels and men create a bond by crying out together the Thrice holy. The Syriac text reads: īre w’nāśā qāēn lāk: qaddiś qaddiś qaddiśat / “Angels and men cry out to you: holy, holy, Thou art holy.” [Notably, the nuances of the meaning of the original text are lost in some of the vernacular versions]. The Trisagion (Greek, “Thrice holy,” to be discussed later) is sung three times at the beginning of the liturgy of the Word. In the Anthem of the Mysteries (to be discussed later), the choir will invite the congregation to “join with the heavenly choir to sing” the Thrice holy. Thus, the Thrice holy serves as a frequent reminder of the connection between the earthly and heavenly liturgies.

Transliteration & Translation (English)

Solemn Form

Transliteration by Fr. Emmanuel Thelly C. M. I.

Transliteration in (English) Translation in (English)
U''al ar''ā ślāmmā w''sawrā thāwā lawnaynāśā
b’kolendān l’ālmīn āmēn awūn d’waśmayyā.

Neţqandaś śmāk tēţe malkuţāk qandiś qandiś
qandiśat awūn d’waśmayyā.

Damlēn śmayyā w''ar’ā rambūţ śūwhāk
īrē w’nāśā qāyēn lāk qandiś qandiś
qandiśat awūn d''waśmayyā.

Neţqandaś śmāk tēţe malkuţāk w’nehwe
sewyānāk aykannā d''waśmayyā āp bar''ā
Haw lan lahmā d''sunqānan yawmānā.

Waśwōq lan hāwbayn wahthāhayn aykannā d’āp hanan
śwaqn l''hayyāwayn,
W''lā tayelayn l’nesyonā ellā passān min bīśā
Methol d’dīlāk yi malkūţā w''haylā w''teśbohtā
l’ālam ālmīn āmēn.
Śuwhā l''awā w''lawrā walrūhā d''qudśā.

Min ālam wādammā 1''ālam āmēn w’ āmēn,
awūn d''waśmayyā.

Neţqandaś śmāk tēţe malkuţāk qandiś qandiś
qandiśat awūn d''waśmayyā.

Damlēn śmayyā w''ar’ā rambūţ śūwhāk &n
īrē w''nāśā qāyēn lāk qandiś qandiś qandiśat.

N''salle ślāmmā amman.
And on earth peace and good hope to men
Always and for ever, amen, Our Father who art in heaven.

Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come.
Holy, holy, thou art holy, our Father who art in heaven.

Heaven and earth are filled with the greatness of thy glory.
Angels and men cry to thee, “holy, holy,
thou art holy”, Our Father who art in heaven.

Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done also on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today the bread we need.

Pardon us our debts and sins
As we have pardoned our debtors.
Do not allow us to enter into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one.
For thine is the kingdom, power
And glory for ever, amen.
Praise to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

From eon unto eon, amen, amen,
Our Father who art in heaven.

Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come,
Holy, holy, thou art holy, our Father who art in heaven.

Heaven and earth are filled with the greatness
Of thy glory; angels and men cry out to thee “Holy, holy, thou art holy.”

Let us pray, peace be with us.

Text Courtesy : Joseph Puthenkudy

Syriac Text Transliteration in Malayalam
Text Courtesy - Joseph Thekkadath Puthenkudy

Ordinary Form

Transliteration in (Malayalam) Transliteration in ( English) Translation in( English) Glossory

ആവൂൻ ദ്‌വശ്മയ്യാ
നെസ്ഖന്ദെശ് ശ്മാക് തെസേ മൽകൂസാക്. നെഹ്‌വേ

സെവ്‌യാനാക് ഐക്കന്നാ ദ്‌വശ്മയാ ആപ് ബർആ.

ഹവ് ലൻ ലഹ്മാ ദ്‌സുന്ഖാനൻ യൗമാനാ.

വശ്വോക് ലൻ ഹൗബൈൻ വഹ്‌ഥാഹൈൻ ഐക്കന്നാ ദാപ് ഹനൻ

ശ്വഖൻ ല്‌ഹയ്യാവൈൻ.
ഉലാ താലൻ ല്‌നെസ്യോനാ.

എല്ലാ പസസാൻ മിൻ ബീശാ.

മെഥോൽ ദ്‌ദീലാകി മൽകൂസാ ഉഹൈലാ ഉതെശ്ബോഹ്‌ത്താ ല്ആലം

അൽമീൻ ആമ്മേൻ.

Awūn d’waśmayyā
Neţqandaś śmāk tēţe malkuţāk w’nehwe
sewyānāk aykannā d''waśmayyā āp bar''ā
Haw lan lahmā d''sunqānan yawmānā.

Waśwōq lan Hāwbayn wahthāhayn aykannā d’āp hanan
śwaqn l''hayyāwayn,
W''lā tayelayn l’nesyonā ellā passān min bīśā.

Methol d’dīlāk yi malkūţā w''haylā w''teśbohtā
l’ālam ālmīn āmēn.
Our Father in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done also on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today the bread we need.

Pardon us our debts and sins
As we have pardoned our debtors.
Do not allow us to enter into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one.

For thine is the kingdom, power
And glory for ever, amen.
Awā/Abbā = father, awūn = our Father; śmayyā = heaven, baśmayyā = in heaven; qa(n)deś = sanctify, nesqandeś = be sanctified or hallowed be; śmā = name, śmākh = thy name; ethā = come, thēse = may come; malkā = king, malkūsā = kingdom, malkūsākh = thy kingdom; hawā = be, become, be done, nehawē = be done; sewiānā = will, sewiānākh = thy will; aikkannā d'' = as, like; āp = also; ara''a = earth, bara''a = on earth; ya(h)w = give, haw = give (imperative); lan = (to) us; lahmā = bread as in Bethlehem = House of brea;. sunakhānā = need, sunakhānan = of our need or needed; youmānā = this day; śwaq = forgive, w’ + śwōq = and forgive (imperative); howba = debt, howbain = our debts; hathāh = sin, wahathāhain = and our sins; aikkannā d'' = as (conjunction); hanan = we; śwaqn = (as) we have forgiven; l''hayyāwain = (to) our debtors; u + lā = and not; al = enter; u + la + thayēl + lan = and lead us not; nesiyōnā = test; ella = but; passi = rescue, save, passān = save us; min = from; bīśā = the evil one. Methōl d'' = for, because; dilākh = thine, dilākhī = thine is; malkūsā = kingdom; u+ hailā = and the power; śambah = glorify, u + theśbohatha = and glory; L''ālam ālmīn ( l’ + alam; al + min ?) = for ages and ages; forever.

Text in Syriac Transliteration Translation

Available recordings

Qambel Māran | Syriac Chants from South India

Available resources

Aramaic Project Recordings

S.No Occassion/Purpose/Context Artist Youtube Link Aramaic Project Number Notes
1 Ordinary form
Fr. Emmanuel Thelly C.M.I.
Video 1a Recitation
2 Ordinary form The First Communion children of St. Jude Syro Malabar Church in Northern Virginia, Virginia, USA Video 23 Practice Session
3 Ordinary form The St. Jude Syro Malabar Church choir in Northern Virginia, Virginia, USA Video 23a Practice Session
4 Ordinary form Catherine Video 10a Recitation/Instruction
5 Lord''s Prayer with Thrice Holy and Doxology First Holy Communion & Confirmation candidates of St.Jude Syro Malabar Catholic Church in Northern Virginia, USA. Video 21 Recital during First Holy Communion & Confirmation
6 Lord''s Prayer with Thrice Holy and Doxology The Sisters of St. Thomas Video 18a
7 Lord''s Prayer with Thrice Holy and Doxology Catherine Video 10b
8   Fr. Thomas Kalayil Video 107C
9   Dr. Joseph J. Palackal Video 109
10   Fr. Paul Kodamullil Video 3a
11   Fr.Probus Perumalil CMI , Lonappan Arackal and Team Video 4
12   Don Tom Francis Video 17
13   Narivelil Mathayi Kathanar Video 47
14   Rev Dr. Varghese Pathikulangara, CMI Video 44
15   Fr. Mathew Mattam Video 62c
16   Fr. George Plathottam Video 70d
17   Fr. George Plathottam Video 70AJ
18   Fr. George Plathottam Video 70AR
19   Dr. George Kaniyarakath, CMI Video 74
20   Dr. Jacob Vellian Video 80D
21   Dr. Joseph J. Palackal Video. 45
22   Fr Issac Chackalaparampil, CMI Video 93
23   Rev. Fr. Varghese (Saji) Mattathil Video 100
24   Antony & Elamma Pathinaril Video 115
25   Fr. Mathew Mattam Video 62R
26   Syro-Malabar Forane Catholic Church, Dallas, Texas, USA Video 100
27   Fr. Thomas Kalayil Video 107c
28   Dr. Joseph J. Palackal Video 109
29   Fr Cyril Thayyil Video 122
30   Fr. Probus Perumalil, CMI Video 119
31   Bishop Joseph Kallarangatt Video 155  
32   Bishop Joseph Kallarangatt Video 155  
33.   Fr. Varghese ( Saji) Mattathil Video 165-03  
34.   Fr. Varghese ( Saji) Mattathil Video 165-37  
35.   Fr. Varghese ( Saji) Mattathil Video 165-43  
36.   Bishop Thomas Tharayil Video 201  

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