Encyclopedia of Syriac chants

Complete List

Tā lāk ruhā (Come O Spirit)
താ ലാക് റുഹാ

Encyclopedia of Syriac Chants - Index

CMSI Ref Number (101-0023)
Title Tā lāk ruhā (Come O Spirit)
Category Syriac translation of Latin chants
Sub Category Paraliturgical Services
Liturgical Context Qurbānā and Hours of Syriac churches.
Audio Snippet


This is the translation of the Latin chant Veni Creator Spiritus (Come Spirit, Creator) for the invocation of the Holy Spirit in the Ordination rites. In the Syriac tradition of the Syro-Malabar Church it was used also as an invocation hymn at religious gatherings. The congregation sings in two halves, alternating the stanzas.

Transliteration & Translation (English)
Transliteration by Fr. Emmanuel Thelly C. M. I.

Syriac Text Transliteration Translation
Tā lāk ruhā bārōyā d'kōl
Was'ōr mad'ē d’aylēn d'dīlāk.

Wamlī thaybuţā ellāytā
Lembāwāţā dawrayt ennōn.

D'meţ’mar at pāraqlēthā
Māwhawţā d’alāhā m’rayma.

New'ā hayyā nūrā humbā
Wamśīhūţā rūhānāytā.

At śwī’ eskēmmā b'śūkānā
Sew'ā dēn d'yammīnā d’awā.

At thaksāyīţ śūwdāy awā
D’matar b’mēmrā gāngartā.

Nehwe śuwhā l’alāh awā
W’lawrā dīlē d'qām min mīţē.

Walruh qudśā pāraqlēthā
B’kolhōn ālmai ālmīn āmēn.

Quryēlaysōn, kristhēlaysōn, quryēlaysōn.
Come, O Holy Spirit, creator of all
And visit the minds of those who are thine.

Fill with heavenly grace
The hearts which thou created.

Because thou art called the Paraclete,
Gift of the exalted God.

Living fountain, fire, love,
And spiritual anointing.

Being given in seven modes, thou art
The finger of the right hand of the Father.

In an orderly manner thou art the promise
Of the Father who enriches by [thy] word [our] throats.

Praise be to God the Father and to his Son,
Who rose up from the dead.

And to the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete
In all the worlds for ever, amen.

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.

Available recordings

Qambel Māran | Syriac Chants from South India

Talak Ruha - Song
Courtesy - Wilson Muriyadan

Available resources

Aramaic Project Recordings:

S.No Occassion/Purpose/Context Artist Youtube Link Aramaic Project Number Notes


Rebecca Video 10c Syriac translation of the Latin chant, Veni Creator Spiritus


K. O. Chacko Koythadathil Video 5g
3 Fr.Alexander Koolipurackal CMI & Fr.James Aerthayil CMI Video 4u


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